About Christ Lutheran Church
Highlands Ranch, Colorado
We're an intimate, medium-sized congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) with an incredibly engaged membership that is very involved in day-to-day activities of faith development and Christian discipleship throughout our church and extended communities.
The mission of Christ Lutheran Church is “Gathering, Gifting and Sending Followers of Jesus Christ”
– a call to purposeful relational mission and ministry at the core of our identity.
Here we give God thanks that in Christ, life is made new – not because of a misguided assumption that we’re the best and have earned it, or that we’ve got all the answers – but because Jesus loves us all.
ALL ARE WELCOME: Christ Lutheran Church welcomes every child of God – every age, size, color, culture, challenge, orientation, gender, status, and ability because we profess that in the eyes of our Creator, all are beautiful and celebrated with God’s love and compassion.
We embrace diversity in our congregation and community, and encourage participation in all aspects of congregational life no matter where you are on your faith journey. We affirm the dignity and worth of every person. We honor the guiding principle that discrimination is incompatible with Christ’s unconditional love, and we are committed to racial, gender, and LGBTQIA+ equity.


Rev. Eric J. Allert
303-791-0803 x107
Lead Pastor
"Discovering the blessings
in each new day"

Rev. Michael J. Vinson
Assoc. Pastor of
Youth & Family Ministries

Peyton Strouth
303-791-0803 x109
Director of Music
and Worship
"Do Justice, Love Mercy,
Walk Humbly, With Your God"

Carrie Mallery
Principal Pianist

Ms. Bailey
Easier to talk with in person. : )
Chief Morale Officer
(Joy Maker)

Christ Lutheran Church is a medium-sized congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (the ELCA) with an engaged membership that is very involved in day-to-day activities of faith development and Christian discipleship. The mission of Christ Lutheran Church is “Gathering, Gifting and Sending Followers of Jesus Christ” – a call to purposeful relational mission and ministry at the core of our identity. We come to this community of faith not out of a sense of obligation, but because here we have found a home away from home. Here, we all are given the opportunity to experience a sense of giftedness and grace.
As a community of disciples, we seek to welcome Christians of every kind – long-time Lutherans, people new to the faith, those feeling weak and those ready to provide their strengths, siblings in the kingdom that feel called to come and follow, and friends in the community that wrestle with doubt and struggle to believe. We welcome new friends and old, those who have a church home elsewhere or are looking for one. We seek to welcome every child of God – of every age, size, color, culture, challenge, orientation, status, and ability because we profess that in the eyes of our Creator, all are beautiful and celebrated with His love and compassion. Here at Christ Lutheran, we seek to strive in service for mission and ministry that moves beyond the labels and titles. As a called community that follows the guidance of the Holy Spirit, learning from Jesus our Redeemer and Savior, we live our lives alongside one another – in celebration and sorrow, times of rejoicing and recovery, helping to forgive and receive forgiveness.
Here we give God thanks that in Christ, life is made new – not because of a misguided assumption that we’re the best and have earned it, or that we’ve got all the answers figured out – but because Jesus loves us all. We know ourselves to be both sinner and saint; sinner in those areas which we have gone astray from our Lord’s calling and purpose, and saint because of what God has done in his love for us to bring us back into relationship with Him in His grace and mercy. My hope and prayer for you is that you are able to hear God’s voice of infinite love for you – that you are able to see the Holy Spirit invite you to the peace that is yours in Jesus. Christ Lutheran is always ready to help proclaim that truth, as a light that shines in the darkness, because each of us here first saw that light shown to us by God… and we are eager to share that same good news with you.
May the Lord bless you… May the Lord keep you close to His own heart and be ever so gracious to you… May the Lord continue to look upon with tremendous delight, and work His peace into your life… Amen.
+ Rev. Eric J. Allert, Lead Pastor
President: Jim Peterson Vice President: Shelley Burroughs
Secretary: Angela Newhouse Treasurer: Jeff Bergstrom
Property: Jim Peterson Fellowship/Hospitality: Don Alpern Worship: Vicki Pierce
Outreach & IT/Tech: Amy Hill Care: Kathy Boyer Youth/Family: Angela Newhouse
Personnel: Shelley Burroughs Volunteer: Shelley Burroughs