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Music Sheets


Celebration Choir

Choral ensemble includes adults and high school-age individuals who love to sing. We sing Sundays at our 9am service, and occasionally on Saturday at 5pm. We rehearse Thursdays at 6:30pm.

Carillon Ringers

This instrumental ensemble is open to adults and high school-aged individuals. Reading music is not a requirement, but it does help. We rehearse Thursdays at 5:30pm.  This ensemble leads worship about once every six weeks and typically plays on Saturday and Sunday services. 

Crossroads Band & Vocalists

Our multi-instrumental band is open to adult singers and instrumentalists. Some experience is needed for this group and auditions are required. We sing and play all types of music; mainly contemporary Christian, but often rock, folk, Gospel, jazz, and bluegrass as well. This band leads worship both weekend services – with weekly rehearsals Saturdays at 4pm. 

CLC Children's & Youth Music

We regularly plan music for children and youth a couple of times each year, usually during the Christmas and Easter seasons. Rehearsals are most often right after the Sunday 9am service.

Festival Choir

For our larger church festivals and holy days (i.e., Christmas, Easter, World Communion, Pentecost, All Saints) we often have a Festival Choir. Available to adults and high school-aged individuals, this choir is a short-term commitment where we learn specific music for the occasion. Rehearsals are scheduled as needed, typically incorporated into the Thursday 6:30pm choir practice. 


We encourage soloists of all types and all skill levels. If you play an instrument or sing, and would like to share your talents with the congregation, please reach out to Peyton Strouth, Director of Music and Worship at We would love to showcase your gifts during worship. 

*All rehearsals are held in the Sanctuary and childcare is available upon request.


8997 S. Broadway

Highlands Ranch, CO 80129



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