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​Legacy & Endowment

The Christ Lutheran Church Legacy and Endowment funds were formed as part of the Stewardship of the church to recognize and utilize special giving. The Legacy and Endowment Team’s task is to support the CLC mission beyond capabilities of the annual operating budget. The team works with the Church Council, but has separate authority to manage three funds - the Legacy Fund, the Endowment Fund and the Debt Reduction Endowment Fund. 

The Legacy Fund began in 1996 as a memorial fund to honor a special person or event. A wish list has been established by Christ Lutheran Church with items needed for many areas of ministry ranging in price from small to very large. Donations for a specific purchase are made in honor or memory of an individual or in commemoration of a special event. In addition, memorial/honor gifts are collected for Mother's Day and Father's Day and used to purchase designated wish list items.

The Endowment Fund was started in 1999 with an anonymous gift and has grown to over $60,000. It was established to enhance the mission of Christ Lutheran Church over a longer period of time and offer the ability to give gifts in perpetuity. As the fund grows, only a portion of the income from the fund may be used, so gifts given once can keep giving year after year. Donations to the Endowment Fund can be made in memory or honor of someone. Gifts of $10,000 or more may be named for an honoree. In addition, at least one scholarship is offered from the fund each year to a graduating senior from the congregation. Endowment Gifts will create new opportunities in the following areas of ministry.


Examples include: 

  • Faith Nurturing - Sunday School, youth ministry, day camps, scholarship funds, summer intern

  • Outreach - Missionary programs, Habitat for Humanity, new member programs, Bethphage 

  • Support - Administration and resources, preschool, nursery 

  • Worship and Music - Hymn books, chairs, new music, leadership positions 

  • Capital Projects - Debt retirement, renovations and improvements, church van, new facilities

  • Scholarships - For graduating seniors and current college students that are participating members of CLC

    • CLC Scholarship Applications are due April 5, 2024. You may mail or bring your applications to the CLC Office. Click below to download CLC Scholarship Application.

The Debt Reduction Endowment Fund was established to reduce mortgage debt at Christ Lutheran Church and has grown to close to $50,000. The Tree of Life Program (TOL) in the Narthex is the primary source of contributions to support this Fund. Members or others may purchase a “leaf” on the TOL and have an engraved dedication put on their “leaf” for permanent display. The funds from this contribution are tax deductible and help grow this fund to help CLC to some day retire their mortgage. TOL Program details are listed in a brochure adjacent to the Narthex display and include a payment program.


How can I give?

Legacy and Endowment giving can be done many different ways. Some have significant tax savings for the donor. When appropriate, please consult with your tax advisor and/or attorney.

  • Legacy gifts (memorial and honor gifts) are given to "Christ Lutheran Church Legacy Fund" with a note detailing what the gift is to be used for.

  • Endowment gifts are given to "Christ Lutheran Church Endowment Fund." The donor is recognized in a special hand calligraphied Book of Gifts, and with acknowledgment from Legacy and Endowment Team giving thanks for the special gift, which serves as a tax receipt. If the gift is made in honor of a living person, that person receives a special card informing them of the gift made in their honor.  


Various gifts may be given through Cash and Securities, Real Estate, Life Insurance, Charitable Gift Annuities, Trusts and Wills. Please contact the CLC office at 303-791-0803 or by email at

Click the link below to make an online contribution to Christ Lutheran Church and any of our Legacy & Endowment Funds or other CLC Ministries.


8997 S. Broadway

Highlands Ranch, CO 80129



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