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July 2021 Capital Campaign Update

Bill Doyle

Updated: Jul 23, 2021

Christ Lutheran Church

Capital Campaign

July 15, 2021

Visualize… Our Present & Our Future.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” Declares the Lord, “Plans to prosper you and not harm, plans to give you hope for the future.” -- Jeremiah 29:11

Looking back at the Capital Campaign giving for the past year of 2020, we have been blessed with a wonderful commitment from the faithful givers within CLC. Our pledges have continued to come in, and even in the midst of the COVID crisis, we were able to do the important work of reducing our debt, maintaining our facility and sharing your gifts with our ministry partners both locally and around the world.

During this past year, I have been inspired by the support and work that the Capital Campaign has been able to achieve:

  • We have over $613,000 in pledges from 117 families.

  • To date we have received $302,778.00, or a little over 49% of the pledged funds.

  • We have distributed $295,524.00 to the following areas -

  • $189,132 to Debt Reduction

  • $35,970 to Facilities - Including full roof replacement & office security

  • $23,500 to our Ministry Partners (Local, Regional, National & Worldwide)

  • Paid our entire Fundraising cost of $46,922.00

With the challenges of 2020, our Capital Campaign giving has, as one might expect, gone down significantly over the spring and summer months. However, in 2021 we have seen a declining trend in giving with the Campaign contributions bottoming out at $2,808 in June.

As our economy begins to recover, we would like to be in a position as a congregation to give our church a more stable financial future. As we move into the summer of 2021 and toward a renewed hope of our more fully gathering and sharing as a community of faith in Christ, I ask that you prayerfully review and consider your pledge for the Capital Campaign and be inspired by the blessings your giving has already accomplished.

It has been exciting to see all of the ways your giving has been able to positively affect our congregation and our community. I am looking forward to sending out a monthly CC BLOG with information and words of thanks for all the areas and ministries your campaign pledges have impacted.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call me at 303-903-1558. I am grateful for your commitment to Christ Lutheran Church and its mission.


Bill Doyle

Capital Campaign Chairman

Email-, 303-903-1558-cell.

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